Top 8 Common Car Accident Injuries

Every year, more than 3 million people are injured in car accidents in the United States. These vary from mild injuries, from which you can recover in a few days, to injuries that may have a permanent impact on your life.
Whenever you hit the road, you are always at risk of getting into a crash. With that in mind, you should know the most common car accident injuries and what you should do to get compensation after a collision.
If you were injured after a car wreck, there are many Los Angeles car accident lawyers, such as C&B Law Group, who can help you get a fair settlement for your damages. In addition, most lawyers offer free consultations, so you can give them a call if you have any questions about your claim.
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Soft Tissue Injuries
Soft tissue injuries are the most common injuries in car accidents. They can be defined as damage to connective tissue, such as ligaments, muscles, or tendons. A well-known example of this type of injury is whiplash, which is the sudden stretching of neck muscles and ligaments after a collision.
These injuries may go unnoticed after the crash, so be sure to see a doctor for immediate treatment.
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Car accidents are one of the leading causes of traumatic brain injuries. For example, if you hit your head during the collision, you may suffer medium to long-term consequences, depending on the severity of the damage.
Some common symptoms of this type of injury include headaches, nausea, fatigue, and loss of balance. In more severe cases, you may experience seizures, loss of consciousness for extended periods, coma, and even death.
Back Injuries
Your body isn’t designed to withstand heavy impacts. For this reason, back injuries are also prevalent after auto collisions. This type of injury can be extremely debilitating and may lead to long-lasting consequences.
These can range from herniated discs to strains and sprains. However, you may also suffer a spinal cord injury, which may require you to change your lifestyle and be under constant medical supervision.
If you need long-term medical care, it’s essential that you work with a car accident attorney near you. The legal professional will help you get the compensation you need to pay for your medical bills now and for the future.
Chest Injuries
Chest injuries are another example of common car accident injuries. If you are careful, wear a seat belt and make sure you have an airbag, you may save your life, but you could still suffer a chest injury due to these preventative measures.
You could fracture or bruise some of your ribs, which could cause severe damage to your internal organs. Again, be sure to see a doctor after the collision to minimize the long-term impact of this type of injury.
If your vehicle catches fire after a collision, it may be complicated to walk away from it without sustaining a burn injury. Some burn injuries may heal quickly, but the damage might be more severe and require immediate medical attention.
If you sustain second-, third- or fourth-degree burns, you will be in a great deal of pain and may require ongoing medical attention and plastic surgery to deal with the consequences.
Lacerations and Disfigurements
Loose objects, broken glass, and certain parts of your car are often hazardous when they fly off after a collision. As a result, you are likely to suffer superficial cuts and lacerations to your body, which can be especially problematic if they strike your face.
A severe cut can cause you to lose a lot of blood. In most cases, your best bet is to lie still and wait for help. Plus, you may end up with a scar for life.
Fractures and Broken Bones
Broken legs, broken feet, broken arms, broken pelvises, and many other examples of broken bones are bound to occur after a car accident. Although they are ubiquitous, it doesn’t mean that they are not extremely painful and unpleasant.
You may require surgery and an extensive recovery time to get over this type of injury. However, you won’t have to worry about paying for it out of pocket if you get fair compensation with the help of a motor vehicle accident attorney.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Not all injuries are physical. For instance, you are likely to suffer mental and emotional damage from a car accident. PTSD can make it impossible to live your life the way you used to, and you will need help to overcome it.
Like any regular “injury,” you will need treatment to recover from PTSD. In this case, psychological treatment and many therapy sessions.
Moreover, you will also be entitled to compensation for this type of injury, although some insurance companies will try to convince you that this isn’t the case.
What to do After Getting Injured in a Car Crash?
The first thing you should do after a car crash is to see if you or your passengers suffered any injuries and call 911 as soon as possible.
After receiving urgent medical care, you will have to worry about how you’ll be compensated for your damages. Luckily, you don’t have to deal with this on your own. Instead, you can work with a Los Angeles car accident lawyer, who can help you get a fair settlement for your injuries while you focus on your recovery and keep your peace of mind.
If you are looking for a Los Angeles car accident law firm, C&B Law Group may be an excellent choice. They offer free consultations, so feel free to contact them if you want to find out the value of your case in minutes.
How to Find a Reliable Car Accident Attorney Near you
Google, Bing, and other popular search engines should be your best friends when searching for experienced car accident lawyers near you.
Many excellent law firms invest heavily in effective SEO strategies to appear in the top results of these web browsing tools.
That way, they make it easy for you to reach them and get the help you need.
If you are a lawyer and don’t have an attorney SEO strategy for your law firm, what are you waiting for?
You should contact a law firm SEO agency to start building your online presence and grow your business like never before.