The Most Important Facts You Need to Know about Compensation Claims for Burn Injuries

A burn injury isn’t just an injury caused by fire, although this is the most common cause and assumption. A burn accident and injury can also be the result of and caused by exposure to extreme cold, and they can be the result of chemical handling and friction, radiation, and electricity. Just like other accidents, burn injuries can be quite sudden, and if you have suffered from a burn injury – whether in your workplace, a road traffic accident, a public place such as a restaurant, or elesewhere – you may be eligible for proper compensation for your injury. But there are many aspects you need to think about and consider when making a claim for compensation for a burn injury, and here are the most important facts you need to know.
Burn Injury Classifications and Causes
Burn injuries, as already mentioned, can be caused by a number of things, and not just high heat or fire. These types of injuries, for example, can come about when you handle hot liquids or surfaces without the right protection or when you have become exposed to electrical wiring or equipment that is not properly insulated. A burn injury can also happen if you have handled chemicals that are corrosive and have not used the proper protective equipment, and it can also occur due to a road accident, such as the inflation of an airbag.
Burn injuries can also be classified or categorised into three types, namely: first degree, second degree, and third degree. A first-degree injury would often be comprised of a burn on the surface of the skin which just affects the skin’s first layer, while a second-degree injury would usually affect the skin’s first (epidermis) and second (dermis) layers. Third-degree injuries, on the other hand, are quite severe and cause damage to both layers as well as the skin’s tissue underneath.
What you can Expect with your Claim
Determining your compensation for burns is critical, and this can be done with help from an experienced personal injury solicitor. If your injury was the result of the negligence of another person or party, you could ask for compensation for whatever expenses you have had because of the accident. This would include the immediate visit to the doctor to get treatment as well as long-term treatment if your injury is more severe. It would also include the expenses you may have for cosmetic surgery if it is deemed necessary.
Another type of compensation you can ask for is compensation for the suffering and emotional pain you have gone through because of the burn injury. You can also ask for compensation for your loss of earnings or income and other costs you have incurred which result directly from the injury. For example, you can claim for transportation costs and the costs of making changes in your home, dwelling, or vehicle so you can accommodate your burn injury.
While the compensation for such injuries normally involves similar damages to other personal injury situations and claims, most experts agree that since burn injuries are often quite painful and may even cause permanent damage or scarring, there is more thought given to how to properly award a burn injury compensation claim.